Four applications of the Aerolaser technology for the conservation of natural parks

24 of May of 2023


The European Day of Parks is celebrated every year on 24 May. It is an important date because it gives us the opportunity to talk about the protection and conservation of our natural spaces, which play a key role in preserving biodiversity, protecting fragile ecosystems and promoting sustainable tourism.



The conservation of natural parks is essential to ensure the survival of endangered species, the maintenance of ecosystem balance and the preservation of natural beauty for our future generations. These spaces offer a haven to a great variety of indigenous flora and fauna, representing a unique and precious biological diversity.


Between the Aerolaser services, we can use our sensor systems to ensure the protection of natural parks. Our developments can accurately calculate the carbon footprint. This is extremely useful for the management and conservation of these areas. The carbon footprint helps us to understand the impact of human activities on global warming and to implement effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


We also use cameras with different visible spectrums for effective pest control. In the case of the Canary Islands, the spread of invasive species such as common reed or Mexican cochineal is a major risk factor. Our cameras are able to detect and track the presence of invasive organisms that could threaten the native flora and fauna. With this information, control measures can be implemented to maintain the ecological balance.


Our technology enables us to carry out forest inventories. Among their many uses, forest inventories provide accurate and detailed information on the quantity and quality of vegetation in a given area that requires conservation measures or the rehabilitation of degraded forests. By carrying out these inventories with a certain periodicity, we can estimate the growth or deficit of the native flora in order to prevent its extinction.


It is also possible to analyse the CO2 emissions using the laser scanning. This makes it possible to obtain accurate data on greenhouse gas emissions in different areas of natural parks. These analyses are important for understanding the environmental impact of certain activities and making informed decisions to minimise these emissions.


Fortunately, technology has evolved to provide us with powerful tools to understand, monitor and mitigate the human impact on natural parks, ensuring their conservation for the future generations. We must take action to achieve the goals of a sustainable future, greener and kinder to the environment and the planet.